Embracing Midlife: Thriving in Your Late 40s and 50s
As we move through the stages of life, certain milestones stand out – graduation, marriage, having...
Focus on These Fundamentals to Stay S H A R P in Midlife
It's easy to lose focus as we move through midlife. The excitement of new adventures and...
Create a Life Plan and Productively Move Through Your Midlife Malaise
You might be feeling it already if you're over 40 – the uncertainty as the cares of the world...
Set Yourself Up For Significance By Addressing These Four Areas
For many of us, midlife is a time to take stock of where we've been and where we're going....
3 Things That Will Help You Successfully Navigate Midlife
You crave assurance and stability, but life right now feels more like a chaotic dance with no...
Considering a Career Move? Use These 6 Steps
Career changes are hard enough. But when you're not sure what your next step should be, it can...
6 Questions That Will Help You Boost Your Self-Awareness and Navigate Midlife Successfully
I recently had someone ask me what I do. Rather than answering the question like I typically do, I...